Santa Floki السعر الحالي ( HOHOHO )


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HOHOHO توقع السعر وحركة السعر

HOHOHO ارتفع 305.87 المائة خلال الأشهر الثلاثة الماضية ، في حين أن القيمة السوقية لا تزال تعتبر صغيرة نسبيًا ، مما يعني أن سعر HOHOHO يمكن أن يكون متقلبًا للغاية مقارنةً بتلك ذات القيمة السوقية الأكبر أثناء تحركات السوق الكبيرة. ومع ذلك ، مع النمو المطرد على مدى الأشهر الثلاثة الماضية ، HOHOHO لديها القدرة على النمو أكثر وقد تحقق بعض المكاسب اللائقة للغاية. مرة أخرى ، يجب أن يظل التجار حذرين في جميع الأوقات.

يرجى ملاحظة أن هذا التحليل هو قاعدة بحتة على HOHOHO الصورة الإجراءات السعر التاريخية وهو بأي حال من الأحوال المشورة المالية. يجب على المتداولين دائمًا إجراء أبحاثهم الخاصة وأن يكونوا أكثر حرصًا أثناء الاستثمار في العملات المشفرة.

تمت مشاهدة هذه المقالة لأول مرة على ، لمزيد من أدلة شراء التشفير الأصلية والمحدثة ، قم بزيارة WWW Dot Crypto Buying Tips Dot Com

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Santa Floki مخطط الأسعار

حوالي Santa Floki

Santa Floki is a BSC project that wants to fulfill the needs of its investors by building a good brand, community, and purpose this holiday season. It is based on the philosophy that those who want to do good should come together and contribute to the less fortunate. It believes in the principles of sharing wealth through passive BUSD income and planning to donate to reputable charities such as Save The Children.

The inception of this project was through the collective mind of very experienced investors and project owners in the BSC space. Together they have reviewed and studied many projects that either have succeeded or faltered. They then decided on the important of creating something that is not only genuine, but specifically geared towards the benefit of would-be investors.

In establishing this project, the main problem statements that we want to address are as follows:

  1. How to bring a community together whose mission is not only to achieve financial freedom but also be able to help improve the lives of those in need.

  2. How to ensure the safety of people's investments so that they can confidently sleep at night knowing that their funds are secure and that the team is working towards increasing its value. The debilitating reputation of the BSC space is marred by projects that don't prioritize the welfare of its investors and community. This is what we want to address and to provide a solution for.

Our approach to problem statement number one is to develop an effective structure that gives the project the ability to sustain its operations so that the project will be in a position to grow and succeed. The tokenomics support the need to provide for marketing and to cover the costs of day to day operations. By securing these pillars, we are then in a better position to help fulfill the goal of our investors - to make a profit. This is achieved by the smart contract which rewards our investors 4% of every buy and sell transaction in the form of BUSD. The BUSD rewards are calculated based on the amount of SantaFloki tokens an investor holds in relation to the total supply. The more they hold, the larger the share of the rewards they receive. This also incentivizes an investor to continue holding SantaFloki to benefit from the BUSD rewards. The more investors hold, the stronger the project becomes.

Next, is through the effectiveness of the smart contract that we are implementing that provides security the investors need and expect. The transactions will be enforced automatically and are essential for stable price actions, which will guarantee that investors can buy and sell at any time.

With effective Tokenomics, Santa Floki can support all its goals of delivering gifts to the community, less privileged members of society and bringing about smiles this holiday season!