Rook السعر الحالي ( ROOK )


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ROOK توقع السعر وحركة السعر

ROOK انخفض 97.81 المائة خلال الأشهر الثلاثة الماضية ، ومع رسملة السوق الصغيرة ، فمن المحتمل جدًا أن تستمر حركة الأسعار هذه. ومع ذلك ، لا يزال يُنظر إلى ثلاثة أشهر في وقت مبكر في عالم التشفير ومن المحتمل أيضًا أن ROOK مرة أخرى إذا كان لديه فريق قوي وقد قدم ما وعدوا به في أوراقهم البيضاء. لذلك يجب على المتداولين توخي الحذر والبحث بدقة ومعرفة ما إذا كانت ROOK مدعومة من قبل فريق تطوير قوي وما إذا كانت ROOK لديها أي إمكانية للنمو.

يرجى ملاحظة أن هذا التحليل هو قاعدة بحتة على ROOK الصورة الإجراءات السعر التاريخية وهو بأي حال من الأحوال المشورة المالية. يجب على المتداولين دائمًا إجراء أبحاثهم الخاصة وأن يكونوا أكثر حرصًا أثناء الاستثمار في العملات المشفرة.

تمت مشاهدة هذه المقالة لأول مرة على ، لمزيد من أدلة شراء التشفير الأصلية والمحدثة ، قم بزيارة WWW Dot Crypto Buying Tips Dot Com

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Rook مخطط الأسعار

حوالي Rook

What is KeeperDAO?

KeeperDAO provides the infrastructure to make DeFi more secure, profitable and egalitarian through coordinating, capturing, and redistributing on-chain profit (MEV) back to users, protocols and Keepers.

By attracting independent Keepers and coordinating their access to certain shared resources - namely various blockchain networks and settlement layers such as Ethereum - Keepers will be able to more efficiently capture on-chain profit - for example by executing an arbitrage or liquidation - and more fairly redistribute that profit to those that add value to the network - the users, protocols and Keepers - without it being destroyed through contention or the extraction of MEV.

In addition to this, KeeperDAO designs and builds its own unique products for use by individual and institutional users, and routes the orders from these products through its community of Keepers for their exclusive execution.

KeeperDAO calls these two strategies the Coordination Game, and the Hiding Game, respectively. The first increases Keepers' expected profitability by eliminating costly competition, and the second gives participating Keepers more opportunities to profit. Combined together, this creates the infrastructure for a more secure, fair and profitable financial ecosystem for both DeFi users and protocols.

Because of their coordinating Keeper Economy they're not only able to provide the most complete MEV protection in DeFi, but by having integrated Keepers capture and redistribute the MEV back to their users and partnering protocols, KeeperDAO also in essence allows them to get paid to play.

How to use KeeperDAO?

You can use KeeperDAO's trading protocol to place free limit orders on your favorite ERC-20 token pairs. If the order gets filled and it created an MEV-opportunity, you'll receive the captured MEV back in $ROOK.

To deposit collateral and borrow from major decentralized lending protocols such as Compound and Aave, you can use KeeperDAO's new lending protocol, the Hiding Vault. The Hiding Vault protects your position from liquidation on the open market by cloaking it, and uses the Just-In-Time-Underwriter (JITU) to buffer at risk loans. Besides their regular rewards, users will also receive a tertiary yield for having open loans in $ROOK.

Exchanges, wallets, protocols and aggregators can read here on how they can integrate the Hiding Book and offer their users free and fully MEV-protected limit orders. They can also directly contact the team in their Discord.

To integrate as an independent Keeper, read the Keeper Integration Guide.