Caliente aktueller Preis ( CAL )


Handelsvolumen (24h)

Markt / Börse

Handelsvolumen (24h)

CAL Preisvorhersage und Preisbewegung

CAL ist in 0 Prozent gefallen, und bei seiner geringen Marktkapitalisierung ist es sehr wahrscheinlich, dass sich diese Preisbewegung fortsetzen wird. Drei Monate gelten jedoch immer noch als früh in der Kryptowelt und es ist auch wahrscheinlich, dass sich CAL erholen könnte, wenn es ein solides Team hat und das geliefert hat, was es in seinen Whitepapers versprochen hat. Daher sollten Händler vorsichtig sein und gründlich recherchieren und sehen, ob CAL von einem soliden Entwicklungsteam unterstützt wird und ob die Technologie von CAL

Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Analyse ausschließlich auf CAL basiert und keinesfalls eine Finanzberatung ist. Händler sollten immer ihre eigenen Nachforschungen anstellen und besonders vorsichtig sein, wenn sie in Kryptowährungen investieren.

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Caliente Preistabelle

Über Caliente

Caliente Finance is an emerging new adult entertainment company. We do so with a modern take on how the industry can run and seek to bring our vision into the present. With our investor rewarding model in which CAL's are distributed, and our NFT marketplace which will expand into other facets of the adult industry, Caliente will pioneer the new age of adult content which serves to benefit all involved.

Currently, the porn and adult content industry has an insatiable yet tragic way of burning out models and actresses during their careers. Between giant corporations, agents and other players in the industry many of those who are plying their trade are nearly sliced out of their own pie. Due to the aforementioned issues, the price of the content then must be raised for the consumer which adds a third issue in total. So it has become our mission to remove these issues related to premium content and lead the way forward out of the mire of the stagnant, old practices of adult content creation.

Without the usual suspects with their hands out, our models will be able to make the same amount if not much more without placing the burden on the consumer. Not only that, but they will be able to receive Fiat or crypto in exchange for exclusive content, and Caliente tokens for tips. In one fell swoop, by connecting the models with the consumers of adult content without levying a giant “service” fee, we aim to change the current adult content landscape for the betterment of the models.

Of course not only will the models benefit by the tweaks we have made. Both holders and investors of Caliente tokens will be rewarded with CAL’s from each transaction made. The Caliente token and the infrastructure built for its use will circumvent these issues and introduce a business model that benefits all those who participate in its use.

Without needing the services provided by alternative payment methods and using our token along with other cryptocurrencies this will no longer be a problem.

There are many companies that take an outrageous percentage from the adult creators earnings. Onlyfans takes 20% and compared to other platforms it is considered to be acceptable. Our platform will let content creators make the most and will offer a lot of different ways to make money.

All adult creators will have the copyright provided on all of their content and will continue to receive royalties on subsequent purchases or usage.

At Caliente we are building a social media platform where censorship won’t exist and content creators will be able to showcase what they feel like. They will be free to market themselves how they see fit without any guidelines that only benefit celebrities or household names.