AutoMatic NetworkAUMI

AutoMatic Network harga sekarang ( AUMI )


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AUMI Prediksi Harga dan Pergerakan Harga

AUMI telah turun 40.26 persen selama tiga bulan terakhir, dan dengan kapitalisasi pasarnya yang kecil, kemungkinan besar pergerakan harga seperti itu akan terus berlanjut. Namun tiga bulan masih dianggap awal dalam dunia kripto dan juga kemungkinan bahwa AUMI 'harga s mungkin bangkit kembali jika memiliki tim yang solid dan telah disampaikan apa yang mereka janjikan pada kertas putih mereka. Oleh karena itu pedagang harus berhati-hati dan harus penelitian secara menyeluruh dan melihat apakah AUMI didukung oleh tim pengembangan yang solid dan apakah AUMI teknologi 's memiliki potensi apapun untuk tumbuh.

Harap dicatat bahwa analisis ini murni berdasarkan AUMI dan sama sekali bukan saran keuangan. Pedagang harus selalu melakukan penelitian mereka sendiri dan ekstra hati-hati saat berinvestasi dalam mata uang kripto.

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AutoMatic Network Grafik Harga

Sekitar AutoMatic Network

AutoMatic is a yield aggregator on the Polygon Chain. It uses an auto-compounding function to increase returns on yield farms. Once set, the protocol runs itself, without the need for further attention from the investor.

AutoMatic Pools reward investors for their commitment to an investment. By autocompounding rewards back into the liquidity pair or single stake initially invested, rewards grow exponentially. This type of growth is extremely powerful as time passes, allowing for returns far in excess of what can be gained by simply using the simple APY of a standard yield farming pool.

The AUMI token is the core of the AutoMatic ecosystem. The token can either be purchased and staked, or earned as a reward from various pools. For every 10 Matic earned through performance fees, 50 AUMI will be minted. AUMI buys and sells are subject to an adjustable tax of 0-10% on trading that will be converted to WMATIC, which will fund the rewards for The Vault.

AUMI token holders will control the decision making and will receive most of the farm performance fee profits. Governance weight is determined by the amount of AUMI you have in the The Vault. The more AUMI you have in the Vault, the more influence you will have in the ecosystem and the future direction of the project.