Kingdoms harga sekarang ( PAWN )


Volume Perdagangan (24 jam)

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Volume Perdagangan (24 jam)

PAWN Prediksi Harga dan Pergerakan Harga

PAWN naik 32.8 persen selama tiga bulan terakhir, sementara kapitalisasi pasarnya masih dianggap relatif kecil, yang menyiratkan bahwa harga PAWN bisa sangat fluktuatif dibandingkan dengan kapitalisasi pasar yang lebih besar selama pergerakan pasar yang besar. Namun, dengan pertumbuhan yang stabil selama tiga bulan terakhir, PAWN memiliki potensi untuk tumbuh lebih jauh dan dapat menghasilkan beberapa keuntungan yang sangat layak. Sekali lagi pedagang harus tetap berhati-hati setiap saat.

Harap dicatat bahwa analisis ini murni berdasarkan PAWN dan sama sekali bukan saran keuangan. Pedagang harus selalu melakukan penelitian mereka sendiri dan ekstra hati-hati saat berinvestasi dalam mata uang kripto.

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Kingdoms Grafik Harga

Sekitar Kingdoms

Kingdoms has been designed to open the doors of De-Fi to anyone, through a multi-chain Yield Processing system. We seek to enable Rulers to invest into multiple yield protocols and/or growth tokens across all available chains, without having to find the best ones all by themselves. This means that our fellow rulers will be able to take advantage of a large variety of yield-generating protocols and/or growth tokens, without having to find the best ones yourself and conduct due-diligence, and without having to pay for the costly gas fees of each platform and blockchain This protocol will be governed by Rulers who will vote towards which protocol to allocate which % of the funds. However, each protocol that will be invested in would have been verified by our Kingdoms team, so that our rulers' risk with their investments are minimised.