BabyCZ現在の価格( BCZ )






BCZは0 %減少しており、時価総額が小さいため、このような価格変動が続く可能性が非常に高いです。ただし、暗号通貨の世界ではまだ3か月が早いと考えられており、チームがしっかりしていて、ホワイトペーパーで約束したことを実現した場合BCZしたがって、トレーダーは注意深く調査し、 BCZが堅実な開発チームに支えられているかどうか、 BCZのテクノロジーが成長する可能性があるかどうかを確認する必要があります。


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What Is BabyCZ (BCZ)?

BabyCZ is a BUSD-Reflection token in honor to Changpeng Zhao, commonly known as "CZ". His baby, now known as BabyCZ, has come to surprise his father, Binance’s CEO, for the Exchange’s 4th anniversary with one of the biggest tokens in the entire BSC. It is a BUSD-Reflection token, so holders get BUSD directly to their wallets by just holding $BCZ. It is also designed with a BuyBack system that helps avoid dips by making big buys. After each BuyBack, transaction fees for sells are doubled for 30 minutes, descending to the original rate with each minute. And last but not least, if liquidity exceeds 25% of the Mcap, the auto-liquidity fee will be used to feed the BuyBack wallet.

How Many BCZ Coins Are There in Circulation?

BabyCZ launched its token on July 14th of 2021 with a total supply of 100.000.000 BCZ tokens. There was a pre-sale that lasted 2 seconds and 1:30 hours later $BCZ was launched on PancakeSwap.

#Pre-sale details:

Softcap / Hardcap: 125/250 BNB

Price details:

Presale: 1BNB = 200 000 $BCZ PancakeSwap: 1BNB = 167 500 $BCZ

Min Contribution: 0,1BNB Max contribution: 1,5BNB


Marketing wallet holds 5.000.000 tokens. There was a Whitelist Competition where 5.000.000 tokens were distributed among 40 winners. Pre-sale took place on Dxsale before launch on PancakeSwap with a total amount of 50.000.000 tokens. Dxsale pre-sale management holds 10.000.000 tokens. And finally, PancakeSwap has 30.000.000 tokens.


Total Supply: 100.000.000 (100%) Whitelist: 5.000.000 (5%) Marketing wallet: 5.000.000 (5%) Pre-sale: 50.000.000 (50%) Dxale pre-sale management: 10.000.000 (10%) PancakeSwap: 30.000.000 (30%)

How Does BabyCZ Work?

Each transaction has a 14% fee to make the system work so:

Dynamic Liquidity: 3% (if liquidity exceeds 25% of the Mcap, this fee will feed the buyback wallet) Buyback (CZ Kraken): 4% BUSD Reward (Autoclaim): 5% Marketing: 2%

After each buyback, transaction fees for SELLS are doubled for 30 minutes, descending to the original rate with each minute.

Check the whitepaper for more info (

70% of the Pre-sale BNBs were added as liquidity and locked for 1 year:

Who Are the Founders of BabyCZ?

BabyCZ was created by a team of 4 people who are fans of Changpeng Zhao and love the Binance Smart Chain. They came up with the idea of bringing investors a surprise for Binance’s 4th anniversary with his baby, now known as BabyCZ. Founders are a group of crypto enthusiasts, based in Europe, who enjoy learning and coding smart contracts. Within the firsts 12 hours of life, Changpeng Zhao liked one tweet about BabyCZ so we think that your platform would help us grow.

Where Can I Buy BabyCZ (BabyCZ)?

BCZ is available on PancakeSwap.