Kitsumon current price ($KMC)


Trading Volume (24h)


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Trading Volume (24h)
SushiSwap (Polygon)
SushiSwap (Polygon)
SushiSwap (Polygon)
SushiSwap (Polygon)

$KMC Price Prediction and Price Movement

$KMC is up 39.7 percent over the last three months, while its market capitalization is still considered relatively small, which implies that the price of $KMC can be very volatile comparing to those with larger market cap during big market moves. However, with a stead growth over the past three months, $KMC has the potential to grow further and may yield some very decent gains. Again traders should remain cautious at all time.

Please note that this analysis is purely base on $KMC's historic price actions and is by no means financial advice. Traders should always do their own research and be extra careful while investing in cryptocurrencies.

This article was first seen on, for more original and up-to-date crypto buying guides, visit WWW Dot Crypto Buying Tips Dot Com


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Kitsumon Price Chart

About Kitsumon

Kitsumon is a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) game in the mold of mainstream hits like Pokemon and DotA. But it diverges from those titles in a major way. It features a unique in-game economy fed by NFT assets. Through that economy, it facilitates play-to-earn gameplay mechanics that turn it into a lucrative proposition for players.

The Kitsumon play to earn professions allow users to become a farmer, chef, fisherman, alchemist, ranger, breeder. Selling their in game created NFT assets in the exclusive market place
 Bloodline breading is a unique feature of the Kitsumon World. Bloodline is a royalty rewards system built into the DNA of the Kitsu by their creators. When a Kitsu is created the Kitsu is imprinted with three creator addresses, that receive royalties in all future NFT sales. Acquiring pure gene eggs and Kitsumon can be very lucrative

Behind all the other features lies the core of the Kitsumon world, the battle arena. Players will be able to both train and battle against other online players in both ranked and open matches. Players will be able to create ‘Guilds’ and invite players to create battle teams. Battle teams are by invite only and will only be able to battle in special League Ladders and tournaments.