
FutureRealEstateToken current price (FRET)


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FRET Price Prediction and Price Movement

FRET is up 1564.44 percent over the last three months, while its market capitalization is still considered relatively small, which implies that the price of FRET can be very volatile comparing to those with larger market cap during big market moves. However, with a stead growth over the past three months, FRET has the potential to grow further and may yield some very decent gains. Again traders should remain cautious at all time.

Please note that this analysis is purely base on FRET's historic price actions and is by no means financial advice. Traders should always do their own research and be extra careful while investing in cryptocurrencies.

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FutureRealEstateToken Price Chart

About FutureRealEstateToken

What is FRET?

Welcome to Future Real Estate Token. Our team is located around the European Union, concentrated in Germany. Our vision is the tokenization and the revolution of the real estate market. We are focussing on the main problem of illiquid assets and want to create a marketplace for tokenized properties around the globe.

Opportunities of Tokenization

The tokenization of illiquid assets serves to raise capital and manage liquidity (immediate worldwide trading 24/7, transfer of ownership in ,,real time” - standardization with simultaneous -flexibility -transparency -security Illiquid assets are difficult to sell to their real value in short time period (properties, art, cars). The real estate market is known for a long transaction period + high transaction fees. In many parts of this world, the fees are around 20-30% (5-6% comission, taxes, etc.).

• The sense of the tokenization in the real estate market is to create a fast and uncomplicated way for the owner, to get liquid funds. • From the view of the token buyer there is the advantage, that he can trade with the tokens from around the world at anytime on the market places. • Another advantage of tokenization is the standardization of the technology. You will just need a software/wallet to send and receive the tokens. The development of the technology allows to filter the search for tokenized properties after the buyers demand. • This will lead to a positive price effect. First reason is, that the technology opens up new market opportunities. On the other hand, the tokenization reduces the liquidity fees.

Emission and transaction fees

Currently, the tokenization of illiquid assets is at the beggining with the FRET (Future Real Estate Token), but we want to develop this technology to its best.

Our Challengeto face: regulations in every country in the EU

Solution: with developing acceptance in each country for crypto, blockchain and smart contract technology, it is unstoppable revolutionary and just a matter of time.

Due to the standardization, institutions like banks, notaries and real estate agents will be just partly required = sinking costs. Standardization of contracts or juristic documents = sinking costs.

When will the tokenization work out at its form?

We are working with biggest passion to create a marketplace and the first tokenized transaction of properties in the EU in 2022

How where can I buy FRET?

Currently, FRET is listed on Pancakeswap, we are working for its acceptance on other exchanges.