SalmonSwap current price (SAL)


Trading Volume (24h)


Currency Pair
Trading Volume (24h)

SAL Price Prediction and Price Movement

SAL is up 30.03 percent over the last three months, while its market capitalization is still considered relatively small, which implies that the price of SAL can be very volatile comparing to those with larger market cap during big market moves. However, with a stead growth over the past three months, SAL has the potential to grow further and may yield some very decent gains. Again traders should remain cautious at all time.

Please note that this analysis is purely base on SAL's historic price actions and is by no means financial advice. Traders should always do their own research and be extra careful while investing in cryptocurrencies.

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SalmonSwap Price Chart

About SalmonSwap

SalmonSwap is described to be a decentralized exchange that lets users earn forever on TRON. SalmonSwap aims to balance the short-term and long-term interests of the liquidity providers, community by providing lasting rewards to liquidity providers, even if they withdraw their stake from the liquidity pool.

With SalmonSwap, liquidity providers receive a proportionate share of the trading fees generated by each pool they provide liquidity to. However, unlike other AMM protocols, liquidity providers will continue to receive a share of the trading fees even after they have withdrawn their liquidity. Each trading pair will have a 0.3% fee, these fee will be converted to SALMON tokens and then be distributed to past and present liquidity providers for each pool. Out of this 0.3%, 0.25% will be distributed to active liquidity providers, whereas the remaining 0.05% will be converted into SALMON (through SalmonSwap) and will be distributed to SALMON holders. This system ensures early LPs continue to see a long-term benefit even after they withdraw their assets. SALMON holders will need to stake their tokens to benefit from the 0.05% fee distribution scheme. Rewards will be proportional to the amount of SALMON staked versus the total SALMON staking pool.

To help with liquidity migration to SalmonSwap, the platform will be running an initiative that sees stakers of various JustSwap LP tokens rewarded with SALMON. For the first 2 weeks (starting from 2020 Sep 3rd 19:00 UTC Time), the 10X the amount of SALMON will be generated per block and distributed to these pools. Following which SALMON will drop down to its long-term rate.

Genesis Week rate: 100,000 SALMON per pool per week. Long-term rate: 10,000 SALMON per pool per week.

To begin with, SALMON pools will earn 2x rewards, whereas all other pools will share an equal weighting. This is designed to help reward the early adopters that help SalmonSwap grow.